Friday, 28 August 2009

Schedule for September 2009

Tuesday 1st Sept - classes as normal
Thursday 3rd Sept - no classes

Tuesday 8th Sept - classes as normal
Thursday 10th Sept - no classes

Tuesday 15th Sept - no classes
Thursday 17th Sept - classes as normal

Tuesday 22nd Sept - classes as normal
Thursday 24th Sept - classes as normal

Tuesday 29th Sept - classes as normal
Thursday 1st October - classes as normal

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

How to train Wing Chun

A handy tip for all those that think they can jump to the end of the Wing Chun system and skip the rest, when you learn the Sil-Lim-Tau (Siu-Lim meaning small or little and Tau meaning the way or path thus translated a little idea) its stance is commonly know as siu-lim-tau ma or also called yee-chi-kim-yeung-ma, this stance is meant to be stood in for long periods of time to build the strength in the legs so that when you begin to learn chum-kiu your legs can support your weight for the skills you are about to build on THEN when you have completely understood chum-kiu you will then have the strength to begin biu-jee / biu-tze and then when this is understood and complete you can take your skills to the dummy and learn the dummy form and from here break down the form and so on.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Teesside Wing Chun

Hello my name is Mark Beardsell and i study and pass on to those that who wish to learn Wing Chun as tradionally passed down by IP Man via IP Chun and Samuel Kwok, this year has been an exciting year Wing Chun wise 30 of us met up near Faro in Portugal for a 10 days of quality training, i know everyone learned a lot and i know persoanlly my Wing Chun improved... thre is always room for improvment.

keep wathcing this space for new adventures ;-)