Are you self-motivated?
Do you have 2 hours a week?
Want to learn one of the fastest martial arts know today?
In two years you will learn Wing Chun:-
Siu Lim Tau
and its applications
Chum Kiu and
its applications
The dummy
form and its applications
You can receive a recognised grade, grading is included for free.
You can contact me anytime with questions.
You have everything you need in the course.
There are videos at each milestones to help you grade.
What are you waiting for, on each corner there is some
lunatic ready to pounce on easy prey, don’t be a victim learn something that
will keep you safe.
You can join monthly or buy year one and year two separately.
Depending on YOUR continent, note addresses will be verified
Monthly Course
Year One
Year One
Ok so I hate the winter, and when the clocks change on 31st
October 2014 I will turn grumpy so till then I am going to do a 33% discount on all
courses above.
Monthly Course $20/£20
Year One $80/£80
Year One $66/£66