Monday, 24 September 2012

A life long journey

The amazing thing about any hobby be it stamp collecting or a martial art or even being a Trekkie it's about those like minded souls you meet on your journey that makes the whole thing worth while :-)

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Secret to wing chun

Don't try to guess what your attacker is about to do... Just respond when the attack is on its way!

By training the basics to competence you will be ready to respond without any thought being required!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Your wing chun

Some but not the majority ask how long does it take to become a master... The answer to that question is how hard and how many hours are you willing to work!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Our main website

For those that reach the blog page first our home page is

Friday, 14 September 2012

Dedicate yourself to your art

As an instructor I spend many hours putting together lessons for those that wish to learn Wing Chun, I always try to make sure I get the message out to to everyone so that they have the training, so that they can progress, but sometimes they don’t show up and I used to get frustrated at this, then today I stopped getting frustrated because when they missed that particular lesson, it had left a big whole in there training, so I say hard luck that is a lesson your not going to get for a long, and so you don’t have the full picture and so your training is going to take even longer and cost you even more, or you might quit simply because there are too many holes in what you have learned from not attending.
Dedicate yourself to your art people, as yoda said “do or do not there is no try”

Friday, 7 September 2012

Wing Chun courses for all budgets and a free option

Four options for all those people with various budgets who want to learn wing chun and a freebee

Option 1 (Certification only) £30

You learn the each form and application for the form on your own and then send me a video when you are ready to test, I will tell you what to fix so that you can achieve the standard I expect and you send me £30 and I send you a certificate for your level.

Option 2 (DVD Course) £120

I send you my book and DVD with 24 lessons on it and a guide book to steer your training, you get free input via email and video, free lessons at my local school, a free 15 minute online webcam session via oovoo, skype or facetime and free certification for that year.

Option 3 (On-line Course) £17 a month

You are a full member of the organisation for as long as you continue to subscribe, you buy my book and download the study guide every 14 days you receive a new video online of around 5 minutes designed to help you get your training focused and you download the study guide in pdf format, again you get free input via email and video, free lessons at my local school, a free 15 minute online webcam session via oovoo, skype or facetime and free certification as and when I think you are ready just like I grade my students locally.

Option 4 (local) £3 an hour

Get the personal touch if you live in the Teesside area come on see me or email me at

Finally... try my free feedback one time only